An advance directive, also known as a living will, is a legal document that details your pre-determined wishes regarding end-of-life care. Advance directives are highly encouraged to everyone as a means to make the hard decisions regarding your care in the event of a catastrophic injury such as severe brain trauma resulting in coma or vegetative state. These decisions should not be left up to family members who are already suffering and might be unsure of your wishes. Advance directives allow these critical decisions to be made in advance by the individual.
Although an advance directive may ultimately decide whether an individual continues to live with artificial life support or passes away, there are many other details that make up a living will. An advance directive should provide instruction for specific scenarios such as the use of specialized equipment including breathing machines, feeding via tube, what to do in the event of ceased breathing or heartbeat, and others. Advance directives may also serve to name an individual to hold durable power over attorney to make these important decisions. A skilled and knowledgeable attorney from our firm can provide additional information about creating living wills and advance directives.
Planning for the future is one of the most responsible things a person can do. It will lessen the burden on family and loved ones in the event of a catastrophic accident that leaves the victim unable to make decisions regarding their own health and maintenance. The legal team at Wollman, Gehrke & Associates, P.A. have over 50 years of combined experience in creating advance directives and living wills for clients in Naples, Marco Island, Bonita Springs and everywhere in between. They work closely with clients to understand how to design an advance directive that addresses every foreseeable need.
CONTACT OUR FIRM TODAY to learn more about creating a living will that articulates your wishes regarding end of life medical care, power of attorney, and more.